The short answer? Yes, you should always include a cover letter when you are applying for a job.

It’s an opportunity to highlight your skills, experience, and qualifications in a more personal way than what is possible in a CV or resume alone.

A well-written cover letter can also help to create a good first impression and make your application stand out from the competition.

The only reasons you shouldn’t, are if the employer specifically states that they don’t want one, or they don’t include a covering letter field or file upload on the application form.

What to include in your covering letter

If you’re writing a covering letter, you need to highlight your relevant skills and experience as well as your enthusiasm for the role.

Here are some things you might consider including in your cover letter for a social media job:


A strong introduction in your cover letter is crucial.

It should not only introduce you but also reflect your understanding of the company and its values. Research the company’s culture, mission, and recent achievements, and briefly mention how these align with your professional ethos.

This shows the employer that you have done your homework and are genuinely interested in becoming a part of their team.

Platform experience

Demonstrate your expertise in various social media platforms by providing concrete examples.

For instance, if you’ve managed a brand’s Instagram account, talk about how you grew the follower base through a targeted content strategy. Mention a specific campaign where you increased engagement rates by X% through creative storytelling or interactive posts.

If you’ve excelled on Twitter, describe how you leveraged trending topics or Twitter chats to boost your brand’s visibility.

Use specific metrics like follower growth, engagement rates, or click-through rates to quantify your success on each platform and where possible, see what platforms the company is already using, and share examples from those platforms.

Social media tools

Detail your experience with social media management tools, emphasizing how they’ve enhanced your efficiency and effectiveness.

For example, if you’ve used Hootsuite, discuss how you utilized it for scheduling posts across multiple platforms, tracking user engagement, and generating performance reports.

If Canva was part of your toolkit, describe how you used it to create eye-catching graphics that increased post engagement.

Also, mention any experience with web analytics tools like Google Analytics, explaining how you used these tools to refine your social media strategies.

Social media campaigns

Here, provide detailed examples of successful campaigns you’ve orchestrated or contributed to significantly.

Describe the campaign objectives, your specific role, the strategies employed, and the results achieved.

For instance, if you led a campaign that increased the company’s social media engagement by 50%, explain how you achieved this through innovative content strategy, targeted advertising, and active community engagement.

Use quantifiable metrics to underscore the success of these campaigns, such as engagement rates, conversion rates, or ROI.

Content creation

In this section, focus on your content creation skills. Share examples of engaging social media posts, blogs, videos, or infographics you’ve created.

Highlight how your content aligns with brand voice and audience preferences. If you’ve written compelling copy that led to high engagement or conversion rates, detail these achievements.

Including a link to your social media portfolio or specific examples of your work can provide a tangible demonstration of your creativity and skill in content creation.

By expanding these sections, your cover letter will present a comprehensive and compelling picture of your qualifications, tailored specifically to the role you are applying for.

Social media analytics and strategy

In your cover letter, you’ll need to demonstrate your understanding of social media strategy, goal-setting and, analytics and reporting.

Start by outlining your strategic approach to social media, tailored to company objectives. Talk about the audience, the platforms you used, and the content you created.

Highlight your use of SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to guide these strategies. For instance, mention a goal like increasing Twitter engagement by 30% in six months, and how it aligns with broader marketing objectives.

(If you want to learn about SMART goals, check out our beginners’ guide to SMART goals for social media.)

Then, briefly discuss how you utilize social media analytics to inform and refine your strategies. Talk about analyzing data to understand audience behavior and optimize content. Link this to your goals by describing how you tracked key metrics to measure progress and adjusted strategies accordingly.

This shows your ability to develop effective strategies, use data-driven insights, and achieve targeted outcomes in social media management.

Leadership and communication skills

If you have experience managing a social media team, this section can significantly bolster your application, especially for roles that require leadership skills or collaboration.

Begin by briefly describing the size and nature of the teams you have managed, focusing on how your leadership contributed to the success of social media projects. Highlight your skills in areas such as delegation, communication, conflict resolution, and motivation. For example, you could mention how you led a team of five content creators, guiding them through a major campaign while ensuring that each team member’s strengths were utilized effectively.

Additionally, discuss how you foster a positive and productive team environment. This could include your approach to regular team meetings, feedback sessions, or professional development opportunities. If you’ve implemented any innovative team management strategies or tools, mention these as well.

If you don’t have formal team management experience, you can still touch on this section by discussing any informal leadership roles you’ve held. For example, leading a project, mentoring new staff, or coordinating with different departments can all be relevant experiences to mention. Alternatively, talk about how you’ve effectively collaborated with other team members on projects.


Your conclusion should reiterate your interest in the role and the company, summarize your key qualifications, and thank the hiring manager for taking the time to read your covering letter.

This is also a greatplace to express your eagerness to discuss how you can contribute to the team in more detail, inviting the possibility of an interview.

Additional Tips

  • Keep your cover letter concise and to the point. Aim for one page.
  • Customize your cover letter for each application. Avoid using a generic template.
  • Proofread for spelling and grammatical errors. Consider having someone else review it, or use a tool like Grammarly.
  • Use a professional tone, but don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through, especially for more hands-on social media content creator jobs.
  • Include contact information at the top, and make sure it matches what’s on your CV or resume.
  • If you’re new to social media without any experience, talk about other roles or situations that you feel would be relevant.