LinkedIn has announced a new feature that will allow company pages to send direct messages (DMs) to users. This is a significant change, as it was previously only possible for users to DM each other.

The new LinkedIn DMs for company pages feature is still in beta testing, but it is expected to be rolled out to all users in the coming months. Once it is available, company pages will be able to send DMs to users who have followed their page. They will also be able to see who has viewed their DMs.

This new feature has the potential to revolutionize the way that companies interact with their customers on LinkedIn. By being able to send DMs, companies can now have one-on-one conversations with potential and current customers. This can help to build relationships, answer questions, and provide support.

In addition to improving customer engagement, the new DM feature for company pages can also help to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and increase sales. For example, a company could use DMs to send out exclusive offers to followers, or to invite them to participate in a webinar or event.

Overall, the new DM feature for company pages is a significant addition to LinkedIn’s platform. It has the potential to improve customer engagement, increase brand awareness, generate leads, and increase sales.

Here are some tips for social media managers who want to use the new DM feature for company pages:

  • Use the DM feature to build relationships with potential and current customers. Get to know your audience and what they are interested in. Ask them questions and answer their questions.
  • Use the DM feature to provide support to customers. Answer questions, resolve issues, and offer help.
  • Use the DM feature to promote your products or services. Offer exclusive offers, invite users to participate in events, and share content that is relevant to your audience.
  • Use the DM feature to track your results. You can use the Insights tab in LinkedIn to track how many users have opened and viewed your DMs. This information will help you to see what is working and what is not, so that you can refine your strategy over time.

Be mindful of the following when using the DM feature:

  • Do not spam users. Sending unsolicited DMs is a surefire way to annoy and alienate your audience.
  • Be respectful and professional. Remember that you are representing your company when you use DMs.
  • Do not ask for personal information. Do not ask users for their contact information or any other personal information.
  • Do not engage in illegal or inappropriate activity. Do not use DMs for any illegal or inappropriate activity.

The new DM feature for company pages is a powerful tool that can be used to improve customer engagement, increase brand awareness, generate leads, and increase sales.

We’re excited to see it in action!